Today in the News - A Murderer Still behind bars? Say it ain't so

Man who shot John Lennon denied parole for 7th time

How is this front page news?  Sentenced to 20 years to life.  This is surprising?

I wonder if he'd still be in jail if he'd committed the crime in Great Britain, say London?

How is this such a shocking piece of news? Is it getting that bad - that serving 32 years for MURDER is that big of a deal?

I wonder how much his prison term has cost the taxpayers of New York and this country over the years?

People getting PAID, making a living, reporting the news - and this is the best they can do.

Thanks for nothing Captain Obvious

On a brighter note - TIFFANI

Tiffani?  Amber-Thiessen of course.

Remember Saved by the Bell:

Well she's all grown up now - and has been smokin' hot - so she rightly deserves a place here:

My goodness...

Tiffani - You are barely two years younger than me.  If you ever get tired of Hollywood let me know.

The ONLY woman who I think looks just as attractive as a blonde as she does as a brunette.

I ran across a recent article where you lost weight.  Hope the curves are still there......

Muslim Brother hood - Egypt's Future for Democracy - or Not?

Most everyone is familiar with the Arab Spring uprisings.  Many major "news" outlets called it the "grass-roots Democracy movement of the Middle East".

The Presidential Election of 2012 was a historic even in Egypt.  But what about the new President of Egypt - Mohamed Morsi?

Who is he?  Where did he come from?

What is the Muslim Brotherhood?

Seriously, if someone just read / scanned "Major" media outlets, the picture they paint of Morsi and the Brotherhood is one of "tolerance" and "moderation" and "democracy".  Let's look at some of those articles.  Let's see what good old Google has to say:

So I searched Google - News for  "Mohamed Morsi"

There's the Wikipedia entry of course.

Then there is an article about him planning to visit the U.S.

Then buried under that, in small print (Google - say it ain't so) is this gem:


Really? This is the guy we're supporting.  Well maybe he's preaching that whole "moderation and tolerance" gig. I wasn't going to include democracy- it is Iran...seriously?

First a QUICK History of Egypt - Iran relations.

- 1979 Shah overthrown in Iran
- 1979 Egypt signs the Egypt-Israel peace treaty

That's basically all you need to know right there.  So what has changed to make this visit even possible?

"Mr.Morsi will visist Tehran on Aug 30th to attend the Nonaligned Movement meeting, where Egypt will transfer the movement's rotating leadership to IRan. The movement was established during the cold war to advocate for developing nations."


Interesting reading there.  Innocent enough I guess. LOL.

Plenty of good old Anti-American Policy rants too.  

So let's get back to Morsi.

Born in Cairo. Educated at Cairo University (Engineering) then received a PhD in Engineering from Univ of Southern California. He was an assistant professor at California State University for several years then moved back to Egypt in 1985, where he taught at Zagazig University until 2010.

Still haven't nailed down WHEN he jointed the Muslim Brotherhood - but I digress.

Morsi was actually the SECOND CHOICE for a Presidential candidate backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. The first choice was:

Khairat El-Shater 

But he was disqualified by the election commission because he had just been released from an Egyptian prison in 2011.  What?

Yup - he's millionaire businessman and a leading member (and financier) of the Brotherhood. Apparently after Anwar Sadat's assassination, in 1981, he was exiled and labeled an "Islamist Dissident". He went to England. (No surprise there). He returned sometime in the 80's, became an active member of the Brotherhood.  In 1995 he became the head of the Cairo branch.

He was jailed (for the second time- the first time for protests against the government in 1968) in 2006.  He was charged with supplying students with weapons and military training.

Apparently he was DQ'd because it hadn't been more than 6 years since he was released from prison.

So then comes Morsi.  Apparently he was already a member of Parliament.

Khairat el-Shater - Muslim Brotherhood Candidate

Ban on Egyptian Presidential Candidate Upheld

More on el-Shater

So this guy was their FIRST choice? Okay. So back to Moris, after all - he is the President of Egypt now.

Apparently the Muslim Brotherhood, under the former governments, was banned from sponsoring a Presidential candidate. So they founded the Freedom and Justice party. Morsi was named the President of the party when it was founded in 2011.  They won numerous amounts of Parliament seats when they contested elections in 2011.

Islamists win 70% of the seats in the Egyptian Parliament

There have been many rumors and stories that the Salafit Al-Nour party joined forces with the Brotherhood backed Freedom and Justice party.  Publicly Salafists claim this to be untrue, as they believe the F&J party to be TOO moderate, when it comes to using Sharia law (Islamic law) as basis for governing.

Clear as mud?

BTW - the Brotherhood proclaimed they wouldn't sponsor a candidate for the Presidency - this was before they sponsored el-Shater. Also Morsi resigned from the Brotherhood after winning the Presidential Election.

So what about the Muslim Brotherhood?

Well do some reading.  They are not (or at least in the past haven't been - people and organizations can change right? Change their public or outside perception at least) exactly the "tolerant" and "moderate" organization they are purported (by the "major" "news" outlet - sorry the use of those terms simply required two different sets of quotation marks) to be.

Some of the founding and most influential members of the Brotherhood are often quoted by proven terrorists and their organizations.

Ever heard of HAMAS?  They are essentially a result of the Brotherhood gaining ground in Palestine (the brother of the Brotherhood founder started the Palestinian branch in the 1930's).

Essentially the Muslim Brotherhood puts on a front of charity and moderation.  No one can refute these things they have done in Middle Eastern countries. But even their own history involves “Secret Councils” or basically military versions of their group that worked to overthrow the Egyptian government (among other ties to VARIOUS and plentiful terror based groups).

They are remaking, or honestly have remade, their public image.  They performed a vigorous PR campaign that basically convinced people across the world that they are NOT a terror organization.

Funny, so many proclaimed jihadists, many convicted of crimes as such, have cited Brotherhood members when justifying their actions.

Sayyid Qutb was one. He was often cited as a heavy influence by Osama Bin Laden among others.

Qutb was a scholar who actually studied and taught in the United States as early as the 1940’s

Qutb’s opinions on the United States and Western societies are well known among Islamic Fundamentalists, and in reality many consider him when trying to explain the birth of “modern” Islamic extremism.

Very informative article about Qutb and what he believed.

He was a huge part of the Brotherhood and helped with the Egyptian revolution of 1952.  After the Brotherhood tried to assassinate Nasser (the second President of Egypt) who they had helped overthrow the former government – thousands of Brotherhood members were jailed, including Qutb.

He was executed by the Egyptian government after years of imprisonment and apparent torture.  He’s considered by jihadists to the be the “original” martyr of their cause – an inspiration.

The list goes on and on.  But apparently, if you have a good publicist – and you can “distance” yourself from the violent offshoots and wings you helped found and sponsored – then everything is okay.

Now try to make sense of all this after all the recent articles about how the U.S. is SUPPORTING  the current Egyptian President (sponsored by the Brotherhood).

Apparently if we don’t believe the “mainstream” media, we must all be crazy conspiracy theorists.

Really? This is considered reliable data?

So I'm surfing the latest news this morning.  I usually try to read all sides of the stories - so my first dragnet was simply Google - News.

The top entry was this one:


Right under that was one from the Daily Beast:


That one sure got my attention, so off I go to read that article.  I mean, there surely has to be at least ONE black person who would vote for Romney...right?

I start reading the story and it's simply a blurb referring to the same poll as the leader article.  So I follow the link where it cites this particular poll.  That led me to another Daily Beast article posted last night.  It references the same poll again, but it has a link to the "NBS NEWS/Wall Street Journal Poll" that's being quoted in all these stories.

NBC/WSJ Poll: Heading into the conventions, Obama has a four-point lead

So that story rolls along and I read this part:

"Obama and Vice President Joe Biden gets support from 48 percent of the registered voters, and a Republican ticket of Romney and new running mate Paul Ryan gets 44 percent."

Last time I checked, 48+44=92.  So that leaves 8 percent undecided?  Voting for a third party candidate?  Not really giving a shit?  Hung up because America's Got Talent was coming on?

FINALLY!!! A link to the ACTUAL poll!!!

Go check that out - it might be interesting for you to note that this poll was done via the phone, including 300 cell phone only respondents.

1000 Registered voters were polled (I'm assuming they simply took the word of the people responding on the phone?  I mean how many probably hung up on them.  I wonder how long it took to actual get 1000 people to answer and then answer multiple questions  - much less make sure they were registered voters.)

All results are shown in percentages

The margin of error for this poll is + or - 3.1 percent.

So out of the 1000 people responding, the margin of error is 31 people?

Does that mean the answers could have been recorded wrong? The people conducting the poll made a mistake?  The caller couldn't understand the respondent?

What exactly does that mean?

So we start looking at the actual questions on the poll:

For statistical purposes only, would you please tell me how old you are?  (IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, 
would you tell me which age group you belong to? (READ LIST.)+ 
18-24 .................................................................... 9
25-29 .................................................................... 7
30-34 .................................................................... 10
35-39 .................................................................... 8
40-44 .................................................................... 10
45-49 .................................................................... 7
50-54 .................................................................... 10
55-59 .................................................................... 11
60-64 .................................................................... 12
65-69 .................................................................... 5
70-74 .................................................................... 5
75 and over .......................................................... 6
  Not sure/refused ................................................ -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Fair enough - makes sense.

To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic 
or Spanish-speaking background?+ 
Yes, Hispanic ...................................................  8
No, not Hispanic ..............................................  92
  Not sure/refused ............................................  -
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters

And again, for statistical purposes only, what is your race--white, black, Asian, or something else?+ 
White ..............................................................   74
Black ..............................................................   12
Asian ..............................................................   3
Other ..............................................................   4
  Hispanic (VOL) .............................................   4
  Not sure/refused ..........................................   3
+ Results shown reflect responses among registered voters.

Not sure / refused?  So that's 3 percent of 1000.  So 30 people either refused to give their race or they were not sure of their race? Mixed race? That makes sense right?

Honestly I know plenty of people that are black,white, Asian etc - even mixed race.  None of them have ever seemed confused about what race they are.

Maybe the people responding to the poll were simply offended?  Maybe they thought it didn't matter (and honestly except for the initial article title 'O PERCENT OF BLACKS BACK ROMNEY" it would't have mattered to me either.)

Q3 All in all, do you think things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel  things 
 are off on the wrong track? 

Headed in the right direction ..... 32   
Off on the wrong track .............. 61  
  Mixed (VOL) ........................... 4  
  Not sure ................................ 3  

(This poll also shows prior responses by month- going back a year.)

32 percent - that's 320 people - really answered that they thought this country was headed in the right direction?????

Who the hell would take the time to actually take the poll and answer like this?  Really?

Remember these are supposedly REGISTERED VOTERS.

That's a scary number right there - 320 people - If you transpose these numbers onto the total numbers of total registered voters (remember a poll is a sampling) that would mean that 

The rough numbers I could find told me that there were 169 MILLION REGISTERED VOTERS (86 million Democrat, 55 Million Republican - 28 million "others")

So 32 percent of 169 MILLION = 54 MILLION

So 54 MILLION PEOPLE in this country think everything is hunky dory and chugging right along as it should??? REALLY?

Q4 In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president?

Approve .................   48  
Disapprove.............    49  
  Not sure ...............   3

So 49 percent DISAPPROVE of the job he's doing.  So 82 MILLION people disapprove of the job he's doing - but more than half of them think everything is okay?


Q5 Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing in handling the economy?

54 percent disapprove ( 91 MILLION)

Q6b In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Congress is doing?

82 percent disapprove ( 138 MILLION)

Honestly I'm shocked the number wasn't higher.  Maybe some family members of politicians were poll respondents?  Maybe those 12 percent who DID APPROVE (6 percent were NOT SURE-  again WTF?) were simply ready to get on with their day.

I’d like to ask you a question about the November 2012 presidential election… 
Q7 Please tell me how interested you are in November's elections, using a scale from one to ten, on which a 
"ten" means that you are very interested in November's elections and a "one" means that you are not at all 
interested.  You may choose any number from one to ten.  (IF "NOT SURE," RECORD AS "DK.") 

This ought to be interesting. Remember 10 is the most interested, 1 is not interested at all.

10 - 62% very interested  (104 million)
 9  - 6%   (10 million)
8   - 13% (21 million)
7  -  6%   ( 10 million)
6  -  3%   (5 million)
5  - 5%    (8 million )
4  - 1%   (1.6 million)
3  - 1%
2 -  1%
1 (NOT INTERESTED AT ALL) - 2% (3.2 million)

Wonder what the numbers would have been if the subject had been American Idol, Jersey Shore, Big Brother or Tom and Katie's divorce???

Most of the other questions are pretty standard.  Check it out. Until you get a bit further down:

Q24a Has what you have seen, read, or heard about Mitt Romney’s previous business experience managing a 
firm that specializes in buying, restructuring, and selling companies made you feel … more positive or more 
negative about him, not made much difference in your opinion or do you not know enough about this to have 
an opinion at this time? 

Okay- I can see this.  They gotta be asking questions about Obama too...right?  Wrong.

So what would you say the MAJORITY of people actually know about the things Romney actually did when he was in the business world ("buying, restructuring, and selling companies")???

Fair to say that most know only what they've seen on television ad (CAMPAIGN ADS) or blurbs they've read or seen on the news.

More positive  ........................... 25 
More negative ..........................  28  
Not much difference .................   27 
Don’t know enough ..................   20 

Has what you have seen, read, or heard about Mitt Romney’s tax returns and the percent he has paid in 
federal income taxes made you feel … more positive or more negative about him, not made much difference 
in your opinion or do you not know enough about this to have an opinion at this time? 

WTF?  REALLY? Aren't polls supposed to be unbiased?  What the hell is this even doing here?  

Hey I'm not a big Romney fan - but really?  Like I said - nothing about the negative stuff being slung about Obama.  Just rating the overall job he's doing as POTUS.

More positive  ........................... 6 
More negative .......................... 36 
Not much difference .................  41 
Don’t know enough ..................  17 

That's pretty telling right there.

36 percent........................

How the hell is this supposed to even really mean anything?

Makes you think - if this many "news sources" are already throwing this "hard data" out there and citing this poll, makes you wonder what other "data" or "polls" are useless bullshit.

I'm getting a headache - time for another cup of coffee.

Nothing like a redhead (don't care if it's out of a bottle - just saying)

Christine Hendricks.

No more words need to be spoken.

A REAL woman, who LOOK like a REAL woman is supposed to look.

Nothing else needs to be added.



What the hell?  The guy whose most famous line is:

"When the fuck did we get ice cream?"  

He gets to go home to that at night?

Lucky bastard.  

Harry - I really don't care.

Almost every news page I've visited today has mentioned the "scandalous" photos of Prince Harry nude in Vegas.


Nothing to set my day off on the right tone to have this shit rubbed in my face.

- He's a friggin' PRINCE for cryin' out loud (There is NO better opening line-NONE)

- He's rich (Okay maybe there is one opening line just as good or better - but they do kind of go hand in hand - just saying)

- While I actually have to WORK, this guy is living it up in a VIP suite in Vegas with attractive (I'm assuming for Harry's sake - he IS a Prince you know) NAKED females

Thanks for that important piece of news.  Just want I wanted to read about today.

Who really gives a shit?  At this point I think the Queen is even over it.  

Anyone else see her doing a little dance, maybe "churning the butter" chanting "Go Harry...Go Harry...Go Harry"

Okay maybe not.  Cut me some slack. It's humpday.

Anyone else that dreads this time of year?

I can’t be the only one.  I simply can’t be. (see what I did there?)

Anyway, unless you’ve been living on a deserted island with a volleyball named Wilson (am I legally allowed to reference that here? Oh well.) you are fully aware it’s an election year.

The “media” is slinging their version of the “truth” (damn that was physically painful to write) and each campaign is slinging their version of “Why you should NOT vote for the other guy – so naturally you have to vote for me.”

WTF?  When did this become our political reality (okay those two words combined aren’t exactly an everyday occurrence)???

Commericials. Websites being slammed with ads for the prospective candidates.  All that I can deal with.  The one thing that tends to make me miserable during this time of the year (besides the obvious direction our country seems to be heading) is the difference in my workplace – more specifically my co-workers.

It will usually start around September or so.  That’s when my normally “normal” co-workers stop discussing Big Brother (insert another Reality show here) and start on Politics.

The funny thing is that they almost NEVER have an actual opinion.  They are simply puking up the stuff they hear on whichever radio, website, tv channel or God Forbid – Facebook page they’ve been paying attention to.

Now granted it’s normal for me to get emails from otherwise very intelligent co-workers and associates regarding the latest BS chain email or stupid urban legend that’s trying to take hold.  I used to take the time to explain why the information they were passing along was false, but that was a failing proposition.  It sometimes tended to make these people actually try to defend their position – and that is DEFINITELY not valuable use of my time.  In fact, drinking myself into oblivion would be a much better use of my time – again – I digress.  As of late I simply find the link to Snopes or another reputable source which points out exactly WHY the “hot topic” of the hour is total bullshit.

My strategy seemed to have worked.  The frequency of those emails have been cut drastically.  Do I think I actually educated these people?

Hell no. They simple took my off their forwarding list for email.  Is anyone actually that optimistic?

So for those of you who have this same issue…if you want to try another strategy – besides wearing earphones all day, pretending to be mute, or maybe yelling “Ralph Nader for President!!” I’ve come up with an almost foolproof plan.

As they vigorously regurgitate the garbage that seeped into their brain, simply respond with:

“What’s their voting record on this subject?”

The blank look they give you is worth it.  I swear.  The trick is to SAY THIS, then immediately put them on ignore.  Only the really persistent ones will go check their favorite “news” site (the truly original might actually hit up Google – odds are against it though) and report back.

The same response normally works wonders.

See you after the dust settles in late November.

And good luck.

A blog? Why the hell not...

So this is my attempt to satisfy, at least temporarily, the voices in my head.

My way of sharing my thoughts and the things I've always wondered about.

Maybe stupid news or what have you, either way here it is.

I'm Tired- My Manifesto

I wrote this awhile back.  This (technically 'these' but you get my drift) is the reason for this blog.  Even if another living soul never reads it (quite possible) it'll make me feel a bit better regardless.

So here ya go:


I’m tired. I’m tired of perusing countless media outlets to simply read the same old shit. Rhetoric flies from either side of the aisle like insults at a celebrity roast. I’m tired of reading the same gripes from the left and right.

The “Conservative Right” are all war-mongering religious zealots, that would love nothing more than to take away as many of your personal freedoms as possible in the name of “National Security”.

The “Liberal Left” are all tree-hugging wannabe Socialists (or communists) that hate Capitalism and stand to destroy every principle this country was built on.

Take your pick. Fill your glass and drink the Kool-Aid. It’s free you know.

Unemployment is at record levels. Foreclosures are on the rise. Amid all this turmoil, what are the elected public servants, the leaders of our country, doing? They are doing what they’ve been doing for way too many years. While each side publicly blames the other for all the country’s ills, our roller coaster ride to hell continues unabated.

There is so much finger-pointing going in Washington D.C. I’m surprised every member of Congress doesn’t have a physical therapist on call.

Talking heads continue to make a living (and a pretty good one at that) by pointing out the obvious, adding to the blame game and simply trying to stir up their “faithful” viewers and listeners. Since when did pointing out the obvious become a high-paying profession?

“Political Analysts” (funny… I’ve never seen that job title in the classifieds) continue to get paid to spew their opinions. People around the country continue to regurgitate these snippets, forward emails, and do their best find someone to blame. Looking anywhere but in the mirror is always the easiest thing to do.

I’m tired. I’m tired of listening to “experts” talk about red states and blue states. I’m tired of hearing about the left and the right. What happened to the middle? You know, the part of the aisle where the majority of our population would fall if common sense was actually common.

I’m tired. I’m tired of listening to each “new” batch of candidates try to convince us how they will be different. I’m tired of trying hard to ignore the fact that a staunch Conservative member of Congress and a liberal Democrat member of Congress have more in common with each other than they do with the millions of American citizens they are supposed to represent.

I’m tired. I’m tired of an election process that promises that each vote makes a difference, when in reality I had no say in the candidates that I am forced to choose from.

I’m tired of watching Republicans and Democrats blame the other side. I’m tired of these same paid, elected, public servants using the general populace and the welfare of the country as a way to prove the other side is at fault. It’s okay if the Economy goes into the toilet, as long as you can blame the other side of the aisle.

I’m tired. I’m tired of a country that is more likely to vote for their favorite contestant on the latest reality television show than vote for their own state’s political representatives. I’m tired of knowing that the average person is likely to know more about their favorite celebrity than they do about the voting history of their own elected officials.

I’m tired. I’m tired of co-workers and acquaintances suddenly becoming hot-topic experts as the election and its campaigns gain steam. I’m tired of national media outlets talking about this candidate’s love life or this candidate’s mistakes. I’m tired of people vocally backing their candidate, and when you ask them why they will vote for them, you get a blank stare, or worse yet, they simply parrot the “talking points” that they heard on the news or read in an email.

Welcome, you’re the next contestant on “Run the Country into the Ground and Get Paid to Do it.”

I’m tired. I’m tired of left-leaning people telling me how bad capitalism is, when most couldn’t pass an Economics 101 course at the local community college.

I’m tired. I’m tired of right-leaning people railing about Socialism and Communism, when the majority of them don’t know the true definition of either term.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people protesting, labeling themselves as “Occupiers” and members of the “99 percent”. I’m tired of seeing them camped out for days at a time in a public park, costing that locality thousands of dollars in expenses from their presence, all the while griping about the way the government wastes money.

I’m tired of these same people spending their days posting updates to their blogs from their laptops and smart phones, all the while preaching that corporate America is destroying this country.

I’m tired of them talking about not being able to find work, preaching about a “Living Wage”, all the while spending their days unencumbered by the responsibilities most of us are saddled with. Just how do these people afford these laptops and smartphones that they are constantly using?

I’m tired of this same group whining about not being able to find work, all while camped out in a public park. Funny I haven’t seen one of them with a classified section of a newspaper in their hand, actually looking for a job.

I’m tired of people taking out student loans to attend college for four years, or more, acquiring a degree in a field that has no practical applications, then bitching about not being able to find work and how they are saddled with massive student loan payments.

I’m tired of watching protestors close down a major port, all the while preaching how they are doing it for the “99 percent” for the workers, and the only people who truly get hurt are the workers themselves who can’t work and don’t get paid because of the protest that is supposed to help them.

I’m tired. I’m really tired of reality shows congesting the nightly television listings. Some can be entertaining, but how many times can you rename, rehash and then sell the same product?

I’m tired of nightly “news” updates on the Hollywood elite and their marital woes. I could care less where they vacation, I could care less what they name their children and I could care less what they do outside of the time they spend on the screen, doing their job trying to entertain me.

I’m tired of people becoming famous for being famous. Being paid for being a shallow idiot is one thing, constantly having to see this person is another. Enough already, move on.

I’m tired of professional athletes threatening to cancel a sports season to garner more money. Newsflash, the fans are what makes it possible for you to do what you do. I know the work and sacrifice you have gone through to get where you are, I know it wasn’t easy. How much is enough? Do you think it makes you look good when people hear about you whining that ten million dollars is not enough?

I’m tired of people bitching about corporations and the profits they make. How do you think they make those profits? You are a consumer primarily after all. If you don’t agree with their compensation, don’t support their company. Oh, and to the majority of people bitching about how corporations are screwing us over by moving jobs overseas to make profit margins larger? Please check your 401K or pension plan at work. You might be shocked to realize that the amount of money you have to retire on is affected by these “evil corporations” since your funds are invested in many of these companies. If you are going to talk the talk, pull your money out and walk the walk.

I’m tired of a tax code that is so complicated and cumbersome, with so many loopholes, that an entire industry depends on inability of normal, intelligent people to understand this code.

I’m tired of a system so convoluted, that the agency that wrote it offers free help to taxpayers, but is careful to note that it’s not responsible for any errors made by their own employees.

I’m tired. I’m tired of paying taxes, hearing about how we don’t take enough taxes in to keep the country running, but then seeing millions of people get a refund check from the government every year.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people rallying under the cry of “Government Excess” and “Overpaid Government Workers” then bitching when their 911 call is put on hold because half of the police force was laid off, or bitching when they have to stand in line at the Unemployment, Social Security or Welfare office.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people bitching about how bad the Police are then expecting the Police to help them in an emergency without hesitation.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people whining about “Predatory Lending” and the “Evil Banks” foreclosing on them, when they are living in a house they couldn’t afford in the first place.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people who made thousands of dollars on the sale of homes during the boom, using that money to buy an even bigger home, then bitching when the bubble burst and their five-hundred thousand dollar McMansion is now only worth three-hundred thousand. You signed the contract, you’ve been paying the mortgage payment. Suck it up, you aren’t special.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people ending up thousands of dollars upside on a mortgage who can easily afford their mortgage payment, but instead buy another house, taking advantage of the market, then walking away from the first house. Guess what? Letting the bank “Take back the house” costs us all money.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people having children they never intend to actually parent. Children are not lawn ornaments, or something to brag about at the next dinner party you host. They are living, breathing human beings who will likely to turn out like their parents if fate doesn’t step in.

I’m tired of people who struggle simply to survive, who struggle to have enough to eat, popping out kids before they are old enough to drink alcohol legally. One unplanned pregnancy is a mistake. Mistakes happen to everyone. Especially those in environments where parenting is scarce (See above). Having that second child when you still can’t afford to support yourself? That’s not a mistake. It’s reliance on a support system that is its own worst enemy. A support system that is growing faster than the rate of growth for the portion of society that props it up.

I’m tired of people ignoring everything around them, honestly fiddling (or more accurately watching TV, surfing the web, playing video games, or waiting in the fast food drive thru line) while Rome (that would be us) burns to the ground. Sticking your hand in the sand does not make anything go away. It just keeps your illusion running awhile longer.

I’m tired. I’m tired of spending more time watching commercials than the actual television programs. What little free time I do have, I do not want to spend it being reminded how mindless the majority of this country really is.

I’m tired of paying extra for a DVR, just so I can fast forward through the commercials I don’t want to watch in the first place. How about I pay a fee upfront, every month, and I don’t have to watch any commercials. I know advertising is what pays the bills for broadcasting companies, I get that. I want to opt out, and will gladly pay for the privilege.

I’m tired of continuously paying automobile insurance, watching my rates increase every year, all the while knowing I have never had an accident or ticket or caused my insurance company to pay out a dime in my name. If I take all the money I’ve spent on insurance, I would have been much better off to go without insurance, invest the extra money, so when I do have an accident I could have paid cash out and still had money left over. It’s a lottery that by design, we never have a chance of winning.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people who drive slower than the flow of traffic in the left lane of a multi-lane highway. I’m tired of these same people either not noticing the line of cars behind them piling up, or knowing they are impeding the flow of traffic and not caring. Either way they are a danger to all the other people driving on the road.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people who are truly convinced they are excellent drivers, as they weave in and out of traffic, not realizing that the reactions of other drivers are the only thing keeping them from causing bad traffic accidents.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people piloting a three thousand pound potential weapon, while texting or talking on their cell phone instead of knowing what’s going on around them. If you believe you are an exception, and that you can do it without any consequences, I have news for you. You are not an exception. In all honestly you are probably more dangerous than most.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people who leave no following distance when traveling sixty miles per hour or more on the highway. If just one person in that bumper to bumper line of traffic jams on the brakes, you will not have time to stop. That is in ideal, dry conditions. It just gets progressively gets worse as road conditions deteriorate.

I’m tired. I’m tired of the idea of personal responsibility becoming a thing of the past. A society that pays someone millions of dollars because they spilt hot coffee on their lap is not being progressive. It’s moving towards extinction.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people filing lawsuits when the mood strikes them. Many times knowing large companies know it’s cheaper to simply settle, or pay money up front, than it is to go to court.

I’m tired. I’m tired of products and services costing more and more because of the lawsuits being filed, or even the potential of lawsuits being filed. Someone may receive a payout, or settlement, but the actual money isn’t coming from that company. It’s paid out of the pockets of consumers who deal with that company.

So if you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m tired. I can’t be the only one. Well, I guess I can be the only one.